Wednesday, August 29, 2012

African vs. African American

I met two African men, and we spoke about the differences of Africans and African Americans, in their perspective.

                Chic thought that “blacks” lacked culture, so I of course, had him define culture.  “Generations of stories, community, language…” he said.  One example I was given was having my shoes upside down on the floor.  “That’s bad luck.”  He went on to say that in Africa the community watches over you.  “Here, you better not tell me about my kid, and you better not say anything to my child either,” Malick mocked.  And of course, I was reminded of all the languages they spoke.
After I turned my shoes over, I begged to differ; though, I understood where they were coming from... especially regarding language.  I couldn’t understand a damn thing they were saying in their language.  But hell, it's not as if enslaved Africans said, "Let's take a cruise to a new land and stop speaking our language."  This was not by choice.  And though to society's discredit, blacks did create their own languages/dialects.  How about jive, Ebonics, pidgins?  ;o)  But seriously, black people established themselves by learning a new language and pulling the American government to mercy.  Therefore, there are a lot of stories.  And community is relevant to the individual.  In this day and age, many people don’t know the name of their neighbors.  In short, black people may have lost a lot of the African culture, but they created their own culture and adapted after revolution.  It’s only been 149 years since the Emancipation Proclamation and 48 years since the Civil Rights Act of 1964.   Still, there are many African Americans that made a significant difference in American society, thereby, establishing African American culture. 

To Be Continued…

Monday, August 27, 2012

Jennifer's Bloggin': Son’s first day of 7th grade

Jennifer's Bloggin': Son’s first day of 7th grade:   Me: How was your first day at school? Son: Boring. Me: Why was it boring? Son: All they do is tell you what to do and make...

Son’s first day of 7th grade


Me: How was your first day at school?

Son: Boring.

Me: Why was it boring?

Son: All they do is tell you what to do and make you do work... boring.  The good thing is… I think my teachers this year will be able to tolerate me.

LMAO! ;o) 

2012/2013 school year!!  Here we go! ;o)


A Day of Celebration for Kids and Stay At Home Moms In Loudoun County Virginia

Now that school has started, I’m walking Happy in the morning again.  I enjoy the quiet of the morning, so it’s no big deal.  Plus, I need the forced exercise.  Well, on my walk back, I said good morning to my neighbor who was having her coffee and a cigarette on the porch, when another neighbor, who’s normally quiet and proper, pulls up and jumps out of her car, joyfully shouting, “Break out the rum and coke; it’s a celebration you’all!”  Me and my coffee-drinking-neighbor laughed as we watched this petite, white woman, mid-forties, full-time college student and stay-at-home-mom skip into her condo.  She came back out with a drink, and said, “Free at last.  Free at last.  Thank God Almighty, I am free at last!” LMAO! ;o)  Funny start to the morning.  I guess this would be a day of celebration for kids and especially for stay at home moms in Loudoun County, Virginia. LOL! ;o)

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Jennifer's Bloggin': Yes, folks, Monica and Angie are back! Seasons Ch...

Jennifer's Bloggin': Yes, folks, Monica and Angie are back! Seasons Ch...: Was the tangled web we weaved, all in the spirit of fleeting happiness, worth it?   That would depend on the date I was asked.   At one poi...

Yes, folks, Monica and Angie are back! Seasons Change II Coming Soon!! ;o)

Was the tangled web we weaved, all in the spirit of fleeting happiness, worth it?  That would depend on the date I was asked.  At one point in time, for one quench of desire, I would have given the old man down the hall a chance to test the Viagra he’s always bragging about.  Though, sex with the prune faced, toothless man would undoubtedly have put him in the emergency room and me in a mental ward, I would have jumped on any human being for a mediocre spasm because it’d been so long since I’d been touched.  So desperately lonely, I signed up for an online dating service and watched as my email account filled with daily prospects who’s pictures resembled rejects.  Some ‘pics’ would make Nick Nolte’s mug shot look like a family portrait.  Some faces were so grotesque that it’s likely their own reflection would jump out of the mirror and hide if it could.  There were women with more peach fuzz than some men’s full grown mustaches, and men with eyes so lazy; one eye looked as if it was waiting for the other to catch up.  I never responded to any of the emails.  I was afraid to, and I don’t know why.  I mean, I’m an attractive woman… still naturally blonde, baby blues, physically fit, a head turner, and a business woman.  I was a catch.  The problem was; I’d been dumped.  Dumped by my best friend… a friend I’d known all of my adult life and half of my childhood.  I was dumped by the person I thought I’d spend the rest of my life with.  My ex-girlfriend, Angie, not only broke my heart, but she took a bat to it and made sure it was squashed. 

Yes, folks, Monica and Angie are back!  Seasons Change II Coming Soon!! ;o)
But not before Christmas ;o(

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Puzzy Azz B!tch

There once was a loser who I thought was a friend
But 25 years came to a bitter end
I called him out with words of truth
And his callus ass gave me the boot
He’d been the kindest person when in need
Completely bipolar when caught by greed
Manipulating facts to satisfy his scheme
Then childishly replies, “You act so mean!”
Never admitting his wrongdoings, he would not apologize
Instead he created more deception and lies
Sadly, he believed what he said
As if too much smoke got to his head
I finally decided that his friendship wasn’t worth it
Because I could no longer tolerate a puzzy azz b!tch

Yeah, I needed to get that out.  LOL!