Friday, December 30, 2011

Seasons Change by Jennifer Lightburn aka @1writerlover: A Toast To Looking And Feeling Good Every New Years I’m overcome by the simple gratification that I made it. I’m especially pleased this year because I accomplished my resolu...

A Toast To Looking And Feeling Good

Every New Years I’m overcome by the simple gratification that I made it.  I’m especially pleased this year because I accomplished my resolutions.  I published my first book, Seasons Change, and after five years of struggling with my weight, I look and feel good again.  Oh, yeah, home-girl was squeezing out of her fat clothes.  I stopped stepping on the scale.  Even my own cousin told me to put my fork down at the family reunion, as I was trying to enjoy a piece of cheesecake.  Still, it wasn’t until Christmas 2010 that I realized how big I really was.  I bought a digital camcorder so I could create my own video ad.  I’d created a book trailer for my novel, so I figured, how much harder can a video advertisement be?  I wrote the script and practiced in the mirror.  I sounded “natural”.  I was funny.  Pleased as punch, I was ready to record.  So I setup my camcorder and tripod in the living room because the colors are warm and inviting.  I stumbled over my lines several times, so I deleted without first viewing the files.  Finally, I nailed it – dead on.  It was a wrap.  I pushed play.  When I saw myself, I said, “Shut the front door!  Who the hell is that?”  I looked like I was trying to store nuts.  My hips were spread out.  My breasts were everywhere.  Everywhere?  Everywhere.  I said, “Good God All Mighty!” and ran up stairs, took off my clothes and looked in the mirror.  I couldn’t believe my eyes.  Embarrassing.   I didn’t delete that video as much as I wanted to, but I didn’t look at it again either.  Maybe I will once I’ve reached my ultimate weight goal.  But I’ll tell you what, the other day I put on a medium skirt.  My hair was sassy and my makeup flawless.  I looked in the mirror, smiled and said, “Damn, girl, you’re looking good!”  My goal in 2012 is to look and feel even better. That and publish another book.  Wish me luck.

Toast to looking and feeling good.

Happy New Year!!

~ Jennifer