Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A Dog's Life

·         When I was a kid, a dog lived a dog's life. We only took our dogs to the vet for necessary shots or if they got hit by a car or something. Our dogs slept in the garage and ate in the garage, and we played with them outside. Fast forward thirty years. My dog will be sleep in my bed, laying on my pillow, snoring before I make it upstairs. If I make chicken, she goes crazy. Yesterday, the chicken was smelling so good, my dog said "ruff!" (break me off a piece) when I was eating. I said "ruff!" (sit down and be quiet) back. She said "ruuuuffff!" I said, "ruuuuffff!" back. She was pissed that I didn't give her some chicken, and she said, "rrruuuuuuufffffff!" I said, "rrrruuuuuuuufffffffff!" back. She sat down, and I gave her a piece of chicken. Then she looked at me like I was the best mamma in the entire world. lol. :-)

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