Monday, December 17, 2012

Bill Collectors

I’m an advocate of paying the debt I created but sometimes (unforeseen) circumstances causes financial setbacks.  In those times, it is imperative that one addresses bill collectors to prevent further financial penalty.  Still, you have to be in the right state of mind to deal with a bill collector.  When I’m not ready to speak to a bill collector, but I want to know who’s calling (nope – don’t have caller ID on my home phone), I sometimes answer the phone in a different accent or language.  It adds a hint of light to a dark situation.  Just don’t mess around and have this happen…

The delayed answer and slight echo in the background automatically put my hand in hang-up motion, but the operator said hello before I could replace the receiver.  So…


“Hello, may I speak to Jennifer Lightburn.  It’s Wells Fargo with an important business matter,” the woman said, sounding like she came from deep, deep, deepa in the woods of Tennessee.

“Me, Jennifer.  Me, no habla ingles,” I said in my best Mexican accent.

“No problema. Me hobla Española.”

F*CK! LMAO! ;o)

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