Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Ten tell-tale signs that you’re addicted to Social Media.

  1. Every day you post, “Good Morning Twitches! or Tweople!” (Twitter)
  2. You login to Facebook, Twitter, and/or LinkedIn in the morning before your butt hits the toilet
  3. You check your e-mail account just see if you’ve received any LIKES and/or comments from one of your posts on social media, but you won’t login directly because you don’t want to appear addicted.
  4. People call your phone  to see if you’re ok because they haven’t seen you online in a couple days
  5. You’re rushing your kids homework / computer time, so you can utilize all the bandwidth and get comment happy
  6. You have to decide on whether to pay the water bill or the cable bill and you choose cable because you’d go into withdrawal if you couldn’t comment on Facebook, and because you could always slip on flip flops and shower at the gym
  7. You check your social media accounts at least 3 to 4 times an hour or MORE
  8. You constantly have to minimize your screen when someone walks past your desk at work
  9. You rack your brain trying to remember that funny thing that happened earlier in the day, just so you can post it.
  10. You make up a list of ten tell-tale signs that you’re addicted to Social Media

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