Sunday, September 9, 2012

Listen to that voice in your head that says, “Don’t answer the phone!” (joke)

Remember life before Caller ID?  When it was anyone’s guess who it was on the other line?  It’s like, “Hey, how are you?” while thinking, “F*ck!”  Whoever invented Caller ID should have received the Nobel Prize.  That device keeps peace while saving time and preventing frustration.  Still, I swear my phone rings differently when I’m not supposed to answer it.  The ringtone is always a little too… something.   So, I looked at the console a little longer, while my subconscious whispered, “Don’t answer it.”  You see, with this person, it’s always a 50/50 chance it’s a favor call, but I’d just said, “Sorry man,” yesterday.  Did I listen to myself?  Of course not.  Like a dumb-dummy, I answered it.  Bamboozled!  A fifteen minute ride isn’t supposed to take an hour!  The key question to ask people is how many stops do you need to make between point A and B?  Or even better yet, save yourself some time and motha sucken frustration by letting the call go to voicemail.  Isn’t that what voicemail is for?  Always listen to that strange ring tone and your subconscious because Caller ID is no longer good enough!  And if by chance your hand reaches for the phone, tell your fingers to push DECLINE. LOL! 

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