KKK And Neighborhood Watch Video This video is a wakeup call and it makes me nervous.
We already know what can happen when someone in the neighborhood watch takes matters into their own hands. Take for instance, the Zimmerman case. The dispatcher said, "We don't need you to do that." Zimmerman responded, "Okay."[78] Zimmerman asked that police call him upon their arrival so he could provide his location.[13] Zimmerman ended the call at 7:15 p.m.[13]
It is a reasonable theory that if Zimmerman would have listened
to the police, Zimmerman would not have killed Martin.
How many (more) people will be killed recklessly and without
regard, all in the name of self-defense, before laws are changed?
I’m not saying get rid of Stand Your Ground; I’m saying modify them. We live in an age of delusion and outdated
laws, and it’s hurting our society. In the Zimmerman case, delusion and outdated laws were compounded with bad
How in the world did the prosecutor think they would get a fare shake with an all white jury,all female jury?! I have nothing against
white people. My ex-husband is white and
I have many white friends, but COME ON! Many
white people have reservations towards black people because of history and currentday craziness. I can understand
that. I could understand why a white
female may be quicker to pull the trigger had her nosy ass been in that same
situation, but that don't make it right! Had a person of color or a man been on the jury, maybe that person could have shed some light with experience, stories and for instances that the all white female jury could understand. Bottom line - fear shouldn’t cost an unarmed person their life when that shooter shouldn't have been there in the first place!
Call your governor and let them know that they need to update these laws now before all hell breaks loose. People are entitled to defend themselves. However, add stipulations, such as, “If you are safe and law enforcement says, ‘Stand Down’ and you instead accost, you are thereby forfeiting your rights under Stand Your Ground.”
If KKK's organized neighborhood watch catches on, more innocent people are going to be victims of murder in
the name of fear and / or hate.
It’s just my opinion and everyone is entitled to one. Thank you very much! J
After thought - KKK's license to kill!